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Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #23

A preview of the upcoming live rockin’ shows in and around Berlin until the end of 2021.

Featured artists are: Smokestack Lightnin’, Desperado 5, Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks, Kilaueas, Booze Bombs, Mental Shakedown, Nick Waterhouse, Psychonauts, Demented are go, Trixie and the Trainwrecks, Blue Rockin’, Ricky Rocket & the Phantoms, Eddy & the Backfires, Mary Lee & the B-Side Brothers, Devil’n’Us, Reverend Peytons Big Damn Band & Jake Calypso & the Red Hot

Release date: 28.09.2021


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #22

Another year another show! My mate Udo and me looking back 5 and 10 years ago; What was going on live in January 2016 and 2011 in Berlin. Plus the latest news on the rockin’ scene and on top we play some new records … and some old. ;-)

Featured artists are: Elvis Presley, Jack Baymoore, Ike & the Capers, Frantic Flintstones, TT Syndicate, Playboys, Craig Shaw & the Excellos, Deke Dickerson & the Ecco-Fonics, Batmobile, Donnie & Ronnie and Eddie Clearwater.

Release date: 07.02.2021


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #21

The Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show is finally back with a new episode. This time I am philosophizing together with Wildcat Udo about the important topics of Rock’n’Roll. And of course there’s also a lot of old and new music.

Featured artists are: Little Richard, Crazy Cavan, Screaming Lord Sutch, Shakin’ Pyramids, LP and his Dirty White Bucks, Dollar Bill, Jewel Akens, Round Up Boys, Xavier Cugat, Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers, Ricochets, Colbert Hamilton & the Nitros, Jerry Lee Lewis and Ray Collins‘ Hot-Club.

Release date: 17.11.2020


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #20 – Berlin Shake 3 Special

The 3rd edition of the Berlin Shake is about to come and here you can listen to all 12 Bands and get into the mood for Berlin’s biggest rockin’ weekender at the Heimathafen.

Featured artists are: George Fleming, Ricky Fabian & the Red Hots, Smalltown Casanovas, Lily Locksmith, Ike and the Capers, Polecats, Dave Atkins, Desperado 5, Roy Dee & the Spitfires, Riley McOwen and the Sleazy Rustic Boys, Mike Sanchez, Slim Harpo, Ray Black & the Flying Carpets, Tennessee Rhythm Riders, Joakim Tinderholt, Barrence Whitfiled and Benny Cliff.

Release date: 10.04.2019


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #19 – Berlin Shake 2 Special

The second edition of Berlin’s biggest R’n’R Weekender: the Berlin Shake!  On Easter weekend 2018, 13 bands and 9 DJs will be performing at the Heimathafen. This special introduces all bands and makes you want more!

Featured artists are: Sandy Scott, Marc and the Wild Ones, Miss Lily Moe, Wildfire Willie and the Ramblers, Red Hot’n’Blue, Darrel Felts, Jesse Al Tuscan & his Lumberjacks, Round Up Boys, Playboys, Hot Boogie Chillun, Elvis Presley, Rockin’ Lafayettes, Lightning Ranch Boys, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Rimshots and Paul Ansell’s Number Nine.

Release date: 24.03.2018


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #18 – Berlin Shake Special

Berlin has a new R’n’R Weekender: the Berlin Shake! On Easter weekend, 14 bands and 6 DJs will be performing at the Columbia Theater. This special introduces all bands and makes you want more!

Featured artists are: George Fleming, Twisted Rod, Nico Duportal & his Rhythm Dudes, Houserockers, Go Getters, Mike Penny and his Moonshiners, Wayne Starday’s Trailer Kings, Excellos, Jake Calypso & his Red Hot, Big Six, Lightning Ranch Boys, Star Shooters, Ray Allen Band, Mean Devils, Bellfuries and Carlos and the Bandidos.

Release date: 10.04.2017


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #17

What’s rockin’ in Berlin in November 2017? Here we go!

Featured artists are: Sonics, Pin Sharps, Monsters, Hillbilly Moon Explosion, Peacocks, Highliners, Psychonauts, Ray Allen & Band, Mike Penny & his Moonshiners, Tiger Army, Brains, Lubbocks and Smokestack Lightnin’.

Plus the new release on Migraine Records: TT Syndicate

Release date: 13.11.2016


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #16

Rocktober in Berlin!

Featured artists are: Joe Clay, Eddy & the Backfires, Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers, Rob Ryan Roadshow, Alistair Christl, Pin Sharps, Wayne Starday’s Trailer Kings, Marcel Bontempi, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Out of Luck, Lubbocks, Saudia Young, Rumble on the Beach, Pat Capocci, Vargas Bros., Lennerockers, Demented are go, Devil’n’Us, Degenerated, Trixie Trainwreck and Portuguese Pedro.

Release date: 01.10.2016


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #15

The concert preview for September 2016 in Berlin and Brandenburg.

Featured artists are: Bob Wayne, Hot Jumpin’ Six, Sir Psyko and his Monsters, Damage done by Worms, Lubbocks, Hi-Boys, Little Neal & the Blue Flames, Blue Cats, Blue Rockin’, Gutter Demons, Caravans, Mental Shakedown, Peter Pan Speedrock, Psyclocks, Retarded Rats, Trash Templars, Prison of Blues and in memory of Hannes “Jake” Perkunder: Lota Red.

Release date: 03.09.2016


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #14

The Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show returns after the summer break. This time with the musical concert calendar for August 2016 in Berlin and surroundings.

Featured artists are: Wise Guys, Black Raven, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Klingonz, Creepshow, Ray Allen, Paul Ansell’s Number Nine, Round Up Boys, The Mighty Ski-King, AC & The Shakes, Pin Sharps, Restless, Wayne Starday’s Trailer Kings, The Devil’n’Us, Saudia Young, Intolerants, Leechmen and Elvis Presley.

Release date: 31.07.2016


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #13

This month’s outlook at the upcoming live & rockin’ shows in Berlin in June 2016.

Featured artists are: Kamikaze Queens, Ricky Fabian, Al & The Black Cats, Reverend Elvis and the Undead Syncopators, Mental Shakedown, Degenerated, Blue Rockin’, Church of Confidence, Buttshakers, Billie & the Kids, Number 9 Blacktops, Cosmix, Kilaueas, Cry Babies, Trixie Trainwreck, Roughnecks and the Stingrays.

Release date: 03.06.2016


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #12 – Psychomania Rumble 10 Special

This month we bring you a special edition of the Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show: A look at the upcoming “Psychomania Rumble 10”. Listen and get an idea of what you can expect to see and hear at this year’s edition of this great Psychobilly event in Potsdam!

Featured artists are: Skitzo, Raiderz, Fancy Dolls, Squid Billys, Holstein Rockets, Thee Flanders, Rumble on the Beach, Mad Sin, Sir Psyko & his Monsters, Midnight Maniax, Jack Ice, Howling Wolfmen, Daffys, Guitar Slingers, Gorilla, Polecats, Demented are go and the Griswalds.

Release date: 07.05.2016


Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show #11

Now, what’s up live & rockin’ in berlin in May 2016? Check it out in our litte show here!

Featured artists are: Johnny Trouble, Graveyard Johnnys, Degenerated, Maryann & The Tri Tones, Lubbocks, Nymonics, Fiftyniners, Rumble on the Beach, Howlin Lou & His Whip Lovers, Creepshow, Go Getters, Peacocks, 13 Bats, Ike & The Capers, Kitty Daisy & Lewis, Silver Shine, Rosemary’s Triplets, Huelyn Duvall, Long John And His Ballroom Kings and the John Lewis R’n’R Trio.

Release date: 30.04.2016


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2 Replies to “Rockin’ Wildcat Radio Show Seite 1

  1. Moin,

    auch wenn ich nicht so oft in Berlin bin höre ich doch gerne die Wildcat Radio Show und warte gespannt auf die nächste Ausgabe!

    Weiter so!


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